Title | : | Asha Niketan School of Nursing (St. Joseph Sisters of Chamberi Pachimarhi Province) |
Established | : | 2015 |
Category | : | Education Insitutions |
Phone | : | 0755-4002245 |
: | asnnbpl@gmail.com | |
Website | : | 0 |
Address | : | E-6, Arera Colony Bhopal-462016 |
Location | : | Arera Colony |
City | : | Bhopal |
Vicar | : | 0 |
Superior | : | Sr Vandana |
Families | : | 0 |
Members | : | Sr Rashmi |
Students | : | 28 (13 Cath.) |
Courses | : | 0 |
Activities | : | 0 |
Objective | : | MottoLife in its fullness |