Title | : | Chavara Sadan (CMC) |
Established | : | 1986 |
Category | : | Formation Houses |
Phone | : | 0755-2529880 |
: | chsadanbpl@rediffmail.com | |
Website | : | 0 |
Address | : | P.B. No. 6, Anand Nagar P O, Patel Nagar Bhopal-462021 (M.P.) |
Location | : | Anand Nagar |
City | : | Bhopal |
Vicar | : | 0 |
Superior | : | Sr Noel CMC |
Families | : | 0 |
Members | : | 0 |
Students | : | 23 |
Courses | : | 0 |
Activities | : | This is a postulants house of all 7 CMC provinces of North India |
Objective | : | 0 |