The Bhopal Archdiocese joined Churches worldwide in inaugurating the Jubilee Year 2025: Pilgrims of Hope during a solemn ceremony held on Sunday, December 29, 2024, at the Assumption Co-Cathedral Church. A large gathering of Catholic Christians from Bhopal and surrounding areas participated in the Holy Mass to commemorate the event. Archbishop Durairaj led a reverent procession of the Holy Crucifix, accompanied by priests, religious, and the faithful. The procession culminated at the Holy Door of the Assumption Co-Cathedral, where the Archbishop officially inaugurated the Jubilee Year by hoisting the Jubilee flag. As part of the introduction, Fr Ishwar Das Minj, V.G., read the Papal Bull for the Jubilee Year, titled "Hope Doesn't Disappoint". The ceremony concluded with a solemn con-celebrated Holy Mass by Archbishop Durairaj SVD.