Title | : | Panorama (SVD) |
Established | : | 0 |
Category | : | Ecclesiastical Institutions |
Phone | : | 7089488559 |
: | pptomsvd@gmail.com | |
Website | : | 0 |
Address | : | Near Carmel Mount, Pachmarhi P.O., Narmadapuram Dt., (MP) - 461881 |
Location | : | Pachmarhi |
City | : | Narmadapuram |
Vicar | : | 0 |
Superior | : | Fr William Tirkey SVD |
Members | : | 0 |
Students | : | 0 |
Courses | : | 0 |
Activities | : | This is a centre for counselling and siprituality of the Central province of the SVD. |
Objective | : | 0 |