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PRESS BRIEF 06-02-2017

    New Office Bearers Elected for CCBI.

 Bhopal: On the seventh day of the 29th Plenary Assembly of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), the Plenary Assembly re-elected Cardinal His Eminence Oswald Gracias, CCBI president for the coming two years,in the Pastoral Centre, Bhopal. Cardinal Oswald is the president of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) as well as the Archbishop of Bombay, at present.

Dr. George Antonysamy Archbishop of Chennai- Mylapure and Dr. Anil Joseph Thomas Couto, the Archbishop of  Delhi are the elected CCBI Vice president and the Secretary General respectively.  Archbishop Antonysamy, held various responsibilities of the Catholic Church in the past, viz. Pope’s Ambassador to Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone; in charge of d’Affaires of the Vatican Embassy in Jordan. In 2012 he was appointed the sixth archbishop of Chennai-Mylapore Archdiocese.

The newly elected Secretary General of CCBI Dr. Anil Couto held the following office: the Auxiliary Bishop of Delhi, Titular bishop of Cenculiana, and Bishop of Jullundur.  His Grace Anil Couto is the Archbishop of Delhi since 2012.   The CCBI Plenary Assembly appreciated and thanked the former Vice President Archbishop Philipe Neri Ferrao of Goa and the Bishop Varghese Chakkalakal of Calicut for their generous contribution and committed service to the CCBI.

Newly elected Office Bearers of the CCBI installed to their respective offices in a small ceremony moderated by Most Rev. Abraham Viruthakulangara, the Archbishop of Nagpur. Archbishop Filipe Neri, the main celebrant of the Holy Eucharist said during his homily,“At times, uneasy silence creep in the families.  But ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ are simple but three magical words which can translate the silence into joyful moments of mutual understanding.” “The forgiving love of members forms the corner stone of a happy family,” he continued.  The initiatives taken by any of the member of the family at the time of silence, is to be appreciated. The conversation among the members of the family should never stop, at any situation, he reminded.