Youth ministry in archdiocese of bhopal

Youth ministry in the archdiocese of bhopal

Growing in Faith Together

The Youth Ministry of Archdiocese of Bhopal is vibrant and ever growing. Youth are motivated by the following youth movements called ICYM (Indian Catholic Youth Movement), YCS/YSM (Young Catholic Students/ Young Students Movement), Jesus Youth Movement and AICUF (College Students Movement). The aim and purpose of Youth Ministry includes the integral growth of young people into Jesus Christ to enable them to be alive to the realities around them to become active participants in building the Kingdom of God coupled with gospel values. The targeted age group of youth is 15 to 30 years old, still unmarried. Daily Prayer, regular reading of Sacred Scriptures, frequent participation in the Sacraments, fellowship with one another, service to the poor and needy and commitment towards Christian life are the major motivations in the life of young people. Seminar on life, personality development, and other life building talks are given to young people to sharpen the mind and life.

Every youth has problem, so they need Religion and God, because the inner strength comes from God. Therefore, the Youth Ministry is a platform for young people to learn about the truth and God in their life, promoting unity among the people. Empowerment of youth through training and animation towards life is an important phase of the youth ministry.

Contact of commission and secretaries/ co ordinators contact details under each ministry.