Socio Humanitarian initiative

Socio Humanitarian initiative

"Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the lord" - Leviticus 19:32

Elderly people all over Madhya Pradesh are often abandoned by relatives who cannot afford to provide for their needs. The Archdiocese of Bhopal is pleased to announce its humanitarian initiative for the disabled and destitute old people, named "Karuna Sadan" located at Idgah Hills, Bhopal.

Karuna Sadan, the philanthropic and social venture of the Archdiocese of Bhopal, envisages to provide a dignified, decent and humane living situation for the aged people who are often relegated by their families or by the people of the society. In this way it aims to co-operate, participate and contribute to the building of an equal, just and fraternal society. This is in line with the teaching of Jesus in the Holy Gospel according to Mathew 25:25, 35-36 "for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick you visited me."

Karuna Sadan provides a roof for the destitutes who are sick, ailing and more often than not, physically disabled. Food, medicine and nursing care are provided. Physical and spiritual needs are taken care of. The in-mates can feel at home here, like their own home. The staff and the in-mates interact as brothers and sisters of one family. They find a home away from home and spend the rest of their life in peace and joy. It is always said, Great labor is the best worship to God.

Snehalay, a home for the less privileged and destitute in Bhopal was started in the year 2006. It is run by Benedictine Sisters of St.Lioba, Maria Bhawan, Misrod Bhopal.

The inmates are admitted from different areas and situation. Depending upon the condition of the member, they are given the best service and help possible. One of the best services given by this home to the inmates is the feeling of togetherness and love. Police also has a big contribution to admit the member. Wherever they see someone who is in need they help them to reach Snehalay and give them a new life.Respecting everyone's culture, Snehalay makes sure that it follows the rituals of inmates when there is any death. They have also helped inmates to meet their family by taking more efforts to get the right contact of the inmate's family.

The Archdiocese of Bhopal has many and different units, but all working for the common goal of sharing the goodness and love of God in practical way.