Recent Events

Catholic Council of M.P. (CCMP) – 2017 organised two days (11-12 August 2017) orientation program cum General Body Meeting at Pastoral Centre. Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Giambattista Diquqattro was present to interact with the council on various issues pertaining Catholic Church particularly in Madhya Pradesh. Archbishop Leo Cornelio in his welcome address said -Mother Teresa of Calcutta is a good example of exercising our basic faith through social service and poor upliftment. To live and do the Christians values and principles should be the priority of our life, he added.

Nuncio Archbishop Giambattista Diquqattro said in his address that the Indian food is very good but Indian spirituality is still better and I enjoy the hospitality of the Indians. I am encouraged to see many young priests and nuns coming forward to serve the great India.

Fr. Suresh Mathew, the editor of -Indian Currents enlightened the participants with regard to 5 Ws and 1 H in communication and the need of political consciousness to bring justice, peace and love among the citizens of the country. The bishops of M.P. had different interactions with heads of religious congregations and members of the council to know its story of success and failures. 

The directors of different commissions presented their annual report on the part of their accountability to create awareness on different plans and activities. There were seventy five participants and ten bishops from Bhopal, Khandwa, Indore, Jhabua, Ujjain, Satna, Gwalior, Sagar, Jabalpur and Nagpur. There was a group discussion on Family, Media and Faith.

Fr. Maria Stephen, the PRO of the Archdiocese, appreciated the gathering to bring unity and development of the catholic community.