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In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata was canonized as a saint for the entire Catholic Church on 4 September 2016, at Vatican by Pope Francis which was deeply religious and yet beyond religion. Archbishop Leo Cornelio said that she is recognised as somebody who always introduced herself as an Indian, and yet rose above national boundaries to become global icon. Earlier Mother Teresa was declared blessed by Pope John Paul II in the year 2003.

 A solemn Holy Mass was held at Shishu Bhavan, Missionaries of Charity, Nehru Nagar, to thank and praise the Lord for His Mercy to choose Mother towards sainthood. There were so many priests, Sisters and laity participated in this con-celebrated Holy Mass. A short civic program was held at 6.30 PM at the same venue in which  Alok Sanjar, Surjeet Singh Chouhan, P.C. Sharma, Antony De Sa and many more leading personalities of the city besides Archbishop Leo Cornelio were participated. They all, in one voice added that it is a pride moment for all the citizens of our country particularly the people of Bhopal for she visited Bhopal city three times officially to establish peace and home for the dead.

The Children in Shishu Bhavan performed dances to express their gratitude to Mother. There were large number of people witnessed this great memorable event. Later the Superior of the House thanked all the members and the P.R. Office of Bhopal for the extending their hands to make this event a praiseworthy. During this event the Archdiocese of Bhopal declared a major celebration of our Mother’s sainthood to be held on 13 November 2016, in Dussehra Maidan, BHEL with an exhibition, film festival and a civic program to portray the life of Mother Teresa to the public. Fr. Maria Stephen the PRO extended a cordial welcome to all the citizens of Bhopal city to witness and get inspired from this public program.