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PROs Regional Interaction Sessions held at Pastoral Centre

A fruitful Interaction cum meeting of all the PROs of the region was held at the Pastoral Centre on Sunday at 11 am.

It began with a small prayer. Fr. Maria Stephen welcomed all to this endeavor which was followed by sharing the activities and concerns in their respective dioceses.

Later, the special invitee Mr. Saji Thomas, journalist UCAN shared the views of Media and their perspective towards church as a whole.

Following were the points proposed for a follow-up program towards successful network and communication.

1. All the PROs were urged to communicate with each other all that would be happening through WhatsApp and E mails in their respective diocese.

2. More frequent visits (at least one in 3 months) to the Parishes and other institutions by respective PRO to promote informations and guidelines to aware them of current situations.

3. Suggesting regional forum to reserve 2+1 admissions in the schools for PRO Office to help VVIPs.

4. Central PR office team to visit the Dioceses as per the convenient dates of local PROs to develop good working systems.

5. Information to the Diocesan PROs regarding Regional programs and meetings also to be communicated to the bishops through mails or telephone.

6.  Archbishop to request all bishops to select one person from each church and institution to do their PR work.

7. To have similar Interactions quarterly, preferably, last Sunday of every 3rd month in the year.

The diocesan PROs : Fr. Philip (Khandwa), Fr. Biju (Sagar), Fr. Rocky (Jhabua), Fr. Alphonse (Qwalior), Fr. Maria Stephen (Bhopal), Fr. Shaji (Bhopal), Mr. Sudhir (Bhopal) and Mr. Saiju (Journalist) were present for the above informal interactions.

With a short prayer the meeting was concluded at 1.30pm.