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The Archdiocese of Bhopal in collaboration with Missionary of Charity and well wishers of the St. Mother Teresa, organized a mega event on Sainthood of Mother Teresa of Calcutta at BSSS College Campus with solemn con-celebrated Holy Mass at 03.00 PM.

 In his address Most Rev. Leo Cornelio, the Archbishop of Bhopal said- “It is time to follow the footstep of Mother Teresa to establish new world and the new society where peace, love and prosperity prevail. At this time this great solemnity of Sainthood of Mother Teresa, I earnestly urge the people of his country to follow the example of good shephered who leaves 99 sheep and goes behind the lost sheep and Mother Teresa was the good shephered for all of us.”

 Later a public function began at 05.30 PM with a break for the people to refresh themselves.

 There was a half an hour documentary film on the real life and activities of the Mother Teresa, and the canonization of sainthood declared by Pope Francis. It was compiled by Fr. Maria Stephen, the PRO of the Archdiocese.

The public function began with lighting of the lamp followed by the religious and invited guests, honouring St. Mother Teresa. Archbishop Leo Cornelio welcomed the august gathering and thanked the people for the response. 

There was welcome dance performed by students of Carmel Convent School BHEL, followed by tableau on Mother Teresa and later with the message of chief guest Mr. Alok Sanjar, MP Bhopal constituency. In his address he said that- it is very difficult to find another Mother Teresa for India. He asked the people to become like another Mother Teresa, cultivating values in their life.

There was 45 minutes of dance drama on the life of Mother Teresa, directed by Fr. James ML, depicting the message of love, service and forgiveness. O.D. Joseph, thanked the people, organizer and volunteers for helping this mega event a grand memorable.

The religious leader from Muslim, Budhism and  Sikhism along with ministers and large number of public participated in this mega event.