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Archdiocese of Bhopal in collaboration with Holy Cross Co-Ed Sr. Sec. School, Lambakheda organized a students’ interaction on “The impact of social media on the life of students” on Tuesday for the students of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade.   There were around 22 students both boys and girls to speak two minutes on the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

“Positive Practices of social media increases student’s social intelligence and understanding of human behaviours. While negative practices make them materialistic, angry and addicted too many bad things”- Aman Ahirwar, VII A.

“It is really important to educate students about the best practices of social media in the schools so that they can get the benefits of communication and technology for their career and personal development”- Nishant Chouksey, VIII

“We should not use social media to impress people, but we should use it to impact people” – Riya Thakur, IX

“Students should know the pros and cons of social media and use it wisely. Instead of using technology for an automated process, think about using technology to improve human interaction”- Niharika Gupta, IX

Programme began with a prayer dance by school’s students of the school followed by lighting of the lamp.  Fr Shaji, Asst PRO in his address appreciated the students for their confidence to express their views on the consequence of using the media wrongly. Pope Francis encourages to use social media for an effective communication he added. The new Challenge of the young mind to discern what us right and wrong he said.

Fr Maria Stephen PRO of the Archdiocese said that the ultimate aim of the learning is, Learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together. The Social media should be used only to build and not to destroy the communities. He asked the young not to forward violent videos or fake news but to use the means in freedom with responsibility to promote communal harmony and civilization of love. Mr. Sudhir Sharma appreciated the students for their ability to listen to the speakers attentively which is very difficult than speaking.

Rev. Sr. Apoline Pinto, the principal of the school welcoming the guests asked the students to be the champions of spreading awareness on social media. Fr Arul Swamy the manager, the staff from PR Office,teachers and large number of students were present to witness the workshop. The programme ended with national anthem.