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PRESS BRIEF 03-02-2017

“Unity, purity and propriety of marriage must be respected,” Archbishop Leo Cornelio.

Bhopal: Thefourth day of the 29th Plenary Assembly of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) began with an exhortation of the Archbishop Leo Cornelio to families, to respect unity, purity and propriety of marriage. He said, “Couples must respect the sacrament of marriage, and live their commitment in perfect faithfulness.”With reference to the example of cruelty of King Herod in the Bible, he explained: “A cruelty done to others inflicts our conscience and our soul. Fear destroys peace of mind and peacefulness of family; and which in turn divides family.”He added: “Marriage is easily broken today due to faithlessness of couples and wrong understanding and interpretation of freedom.The children would be the victims of the negligence of husband and wife towards their marital duties.”

Highlighting the importance of sacrificial-love in the families Archbishop Leo said, “To live a joyous family life, the couples must imbibe the love of Jesus thatforced him to sacrifice his life to save the humanity. Sacredfamilial bond is nurtured and strengthened only by the readiness of couples to sacrifice one’s own interests urged bytrue love.”“The prophetic courage and commitment to witness to the Gospel values are our irrevocable responsibility as leaders of the Church,” he concluded.

A Family Commission App is launched for android phones by the CCBI family commission.The commission for women tries to help the women who are deprived of their basic human rights and education through church and other agencies.  Women who are facing threats and violence in families, schools, colleges, at work places and roads are educated and empowered through various programmes.   

Appreciating the contribution of CCBI commission for women, His Eminence Cardinal Oswald said, “The continuous reminders and steps undertaken by the church, brought out change in the attitude of people.  Today no one will dispute regarding the need for women empowerment.” 

Rev. Fr. Sahaya Belix from Kottar, and Mrs. Caroline Michael &Mr. Rajesh 
from Coimbatore,the resource persons of proclamation commission were honoured for their innovative approach towards proclamation of the Word of God. 

A cultural programme was organised in the evening, in BSS College, to honour the CCBI participants from all over the country.

“Education is the best weapon to solve the crises of life,” said His Eminence Telesphore Cardinal Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi, in his presidential address during the cultural programme.

He continued, “Education brings about creative changes in the society that ultimately results in nation building.”  He appreciated the contribution of the college for the transformation of growing generation through the quality education.