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The commission for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Ecumenism of the Archdiocese, Bhopal organized Sadbhavana Rally cum Inter-Religious Meet on 2nd October at Ashaniketan campus, E-6, Arera Colony, Bhopal in view of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in which people of all religions participated.

Archbishop Leo Cornelio said in his address it is a need of the hour to raise all our hearts and minds together to build one nation burying individual differences. Such Sabha should help us to recognise the divinity lies within. This divine power will help all of us to live in peace and harmony recognising one another that we are all brothers and sisters. The problem in our country is though we have number of good people and ready to do everything possible to promote non – violence but lack confidence.” Whereas the evil people have wrong intentions but have good confidence is a cause of spreading violence in the country, he said.

Shahar Qazi Mushtaq Ali Nadvi, said in his address that “ As all the rivers reach one destination in the end, we need to become aware of our origin and the purpose of our existence as our end to promote peace and harmony in our country.

B.K. Rani from Brahma Kumari society said –“ God is love and we are all created in love. Therefore we must exist to do everything in love to establish God’s kingdom”

Bhante Ratna Sumedh Bodhi from Buddhist Community applauded the initiative taken by Archdiocese of Bhopal to bring all the religions under one umbrella. When it is possible to come together as one family then it will be possible to spread the divine light of unity in diversity to abolish darkness in the society forever.

Fr. Maria Stephen, the PRO said It is the need of the hour to come together from all walks of life to spread the peace and unity in the society to tell the world that our actions speak louder than words.” 

The Meet began with the prayer for peace by Pastor Vijay Nathanael from Zion Church, Kolar followed by floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi by different religious leaders. Fr. Jose Prakash welcomed all the religious leaders and all those who were present for the Peace Rally and Inter- Religious Meet. Before the National Anthem Archbishop Leo Cornelio led the people to take pledge to promote peace and love. Pastor Keshab Pradhan thanked one and all for the support and collaboration extended to the Archdiocese for organising for such wonderful Peace Rally cum Meet. The Peace Rally began with a short prayer by Senior Pastor C.P. Singh at 4.30 pm at Pastoral Centre and ended at St. Joseph Co-Ed auditorium at 5.30 pm followed by Inter – Religious Meet. There were large number of people including many Fathers, Sisters and Pastors to witness the Rally cum Meet. The programme was anchored by Ms Soniya Malviya and the choir was led by Mr. Ashish and team.