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Workshop on the Impact of Social Media was held

“This is the world of digital natives and digital migrants to balance the present generation”, said Archbishop Leo Cornelio SVD.

Archdiocese of Bhopal in collaboration with Queen’s Mary School, Ayodhya by-pass road, organized a workshop on “The impact of social media on the life of students” at Queen Mary’s auditorium on 22 July 2019. Rev. Sr. Quietline OSM, the principal of the school welcomed Archbishop Leo Cornelio SVD, the chief guest of the program with bouquet and said that she was overwhelmed to see the positive response to this workshop and thanked the diocese for extending its help to organize such a wonderful workshop to promote an awareness of the advantage and disadvantage of social media. There were around 21 students both boys and girls to speak two minutes on the above subject.  

Archbishop Leo Cornelio SVD, asked the students to discern the social media rightly for the benefit of all round growth. Social media has proved the best means of communication in the globalised economy and there is a vast difference between digital natives and digital immigrants, he added. It is   the time of students to use the media the best possible to bring qualitative changes in once life and the society.

 “Negative impact on social media on student’s life can be overcome by reducing the amount of time spent on social networking sites” –said Sneha Sahu, class IX C

“Social media is the collection of online communication channels dedicated to community based on input, interaction, content, sharing and collaboration” –  Deepa Vishwakarma,  IX C

 “Social media is concept of life for likeness and getting addicted to see the number of persons posting appreciation”  - Madhvi Thapa, IX A

“God has given us a tongue to communicate with others, and if we fail to use it then the social media comes as an another option to become addicted as a medium of communication.” - Arshita Tigga, IX C

Programme started with a prayer dance by the students of the school followed by lighting of the lamp. Mr. Sudhir Sharma, the coordinator, appreciated the discipline and the spontaneity of the students.   

Fr. Maria Stephen, the P.R.O. congratulated the school management, staff and students for the enthusiasm in organizing such motivating workshop to promote linguistic intelligence.  Sr. Dhanam OSM, the secretary of the school, the staff of the public relations office and the school besides good number of students were present to witness the programme. Finally it ended with national anthem.