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Two hours long celebration on Christmas was held at Chief Minister’s residence at 6 pm. It began with a short prayer by Pastor Sameer Khimla from CNI Church followed by carols singing from different Churches namely; Zion, New Life, Christ Church etc.

The Chief Minister along with other cabinet members reached the venue at 7 pm when all the bishops and pastors from different dioceses welcomed CM with flowers. A beautiful prayer dance was performed by the students of St. Theresa’s girl’s school, Piplani followed by special prayer for the well being of CM and for his government to lead the people towards prosperity.  Lighting of the lamp by CM along with Bishops, and different religious leaders was held followed by welcoming of all the bishops and religious leaders by Chief Minister of M.P.  Melodious carols songs were presented by St. Mary’s Convent School, Tulsi Nagar. Later Christmas message was delivered by Bishop P.C  Singh, CNI Church from Indore. He appreciated CM’s initiative to bring the all walks of people in the form of celebration of religious festivals. The Coordinator of Natya Shri Institution, Mr. Saji, performed a classical dance with his students, which was appreciated by all. There was a dance drama based on environmental protection for which God came down in the form of little baby and performed with the participation of 50 school students.

The Archbishop Most Rev. Leo Cornelio said in his address that Jesus came on earth to establish the kingdom of God, based on life values and discipline. He taught the humanity to love and serve each other   in compassion and simplicity so that the Peace and Joy may prevail in the society. The students from St. Joseph’s Co-Ed School presented Carols. Later all the Bishops and Pastors thanked the C.M. by presenting an appreciation letter with Shriphal and Shawl. The Christian community lauded the work that CM doing for the people of the state.

Before cutting the cake CM said God came on earth in the form of human flesh so that we might become God. He came to search of us because he loved us. He asked the people to support the mission of purifying Narmada River. Finally all had delicious dinner to conclude the celebration of Christmas. Fr. Maria Stephen, the P.R.O. appreciated all the Pastors, Bishops and Volunteers for organizing a wonderful celebration at CM house.