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Date of Birth  and Place                    : 4th April 1933, Goa.

Death                                                  : 07 Feb. 2021


Parents name                                     : Mr. Naziazena Menezes & Mr. L.A. Menezes


Home Address                                   : Bairo Amboi  S. Mathias

                                                              P.O. Piedade – 403403, Goa


Ordained in the year                         :  12th April 1964  


Ordaining bishop                              : Rt. Rev. Francis Rebello






1.      16th July 1981 – Incardinated to Archdiocese from Goa.

2.      23rd August 1981 –Parish priest of Sohagpur church.

3.      24th July 1987 –Parish Priest of the Church of Immaculate Conception. Harda.

4.      14th February 1989 –Parish Priest of St.Arnold’s Parish, BHEL, Bhopal.

5.      15th February 1989 –Director of Diocesan Social welfare center.

6.      10th April 1990 –Parish Priest of Budjeri.

7.      13th February 1998 –In-Charge of Bairgarh Cemetery.

8.      25th April 1999 –Commission in-Charge of Mission Sunday, Holy Childhood and St. Peter’s pence.

9.      June 2014 – Retired from administration – Residing Archbishop’s House