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 ‘Fulfilling every demand of children constraints their growth’

Bhopal: The second day of the 29th Plenary Assembly of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) began here on Wednesday, with serious reflections on parental responsibilities by His Eminence Lorenzo Cardinal Baldisseri from Italy, the Secretary General, Synod of Bishops.

Recollecting the past memories of India as its Apostolic Nuncio from 1999 to 2002, His Eminence called India, a blessed land.

In his message during the Eucharistic celebration His Eminence Lorenzo said, “A father does not “educate” his children by always saying ‘yes’; indeed it is sometimes necessary to say ‘no’ to help the child grow and improve.”

“Being a father is a difficult and demanding job.” With reference to Pope Francis, His Eminence Lorenzo reminded father of the families not to neglect their children’s upbringing. They must exert themselves in ‘making time’ for their children.

Reflecting on the Bible readings of the day His Eminence Lorenzo pointed out the meaning of human sufferings permitted by God: “Do not be discouraged at sufferings of the present moment. Through the tests, God shows that he is a loving father.”

“Promoting the Joy of Love in our Families” was the central point of the keynote address of His Eminence Lorenzo Cardinal Baldisseri.

“Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Amorislaetitia(The Joy of Love in our Families) is a true masterpiece on the family.” Each chapter of the document was explained with a pastoral perspective.

His Eminence Lorenzo strongly exhorted Bishops, priests and pastoral workers to create a renewed enthusiasm in family ministry.

Citing Pope Francis he said: “Today there is a world war to destroy marriage. Today there are ideological colonisations which destroy, not with weapons, but with ideas.”

Marriage and family can be saved only by the power of true love.Because God is love and family with its positive characteristics of beauty and inherent values, is the splendour of the work of God in humanity. 

“We cannot encourage a path of fidelity and mutual self-giving without encouraging the growth, strengthening and deepening of conjugal and family love. This love must be manifested in deeds than in words,” with reference to the document His Eminence said.

AmorisLaetitia, the Apostolic Exhortation on families, is a gift of Pope Francis to families during the Jubilee of Mercy. Its contents, therefore, provide a basis for all pastoral activity on behalf of families and for Promoting the Joy of Love in Families.

“As mercy is the fullness of justice and the most radiant manifestation of God’s truth, it is to be constantly reflected in the families as well as in the Church,” His Eminence concluded his exhortations.

The testimonies of Mr. Donald &Mrs. Maureen Xavier from Hydrabad, Mr. P. A. Edwin &Mrs.NimmyMarteena from Chennai and Mr.  Colin Calmiano from Bangalore, with regard to “Fullness of Married Love: Insights from AmorisLaetitia” enriched the gathering with the beauty of lived experience of families.

The first testimony session was moderated by His Eminence Telesphore Cardinal Toppo.

Mrs.BijuCheriyathu from Bangalore, Mrs. Elias &Mrs. Catherine Lyngdoh from Shillong, and Mr.Ishwar&Mrs. Penny Bajaj from Mumbaishared their varied life experiences of family life.

This second testimony session was moderated by Dr. Lawrence Pius Dorairaj, Chairman, CCBI Commission for Family.

A cultural programme was held in the evening at the St. Joseph Co-ed School Auditorium to welcome the CCBI participants and also to accord a special welcome and honour to the ‘Guests’ from the Vatican and the Nunciature.  A dance drama based on the life of St. Mother Theresa was presented on the occasion.