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Diaconate Ordination

Aflame for Christ

With immense joy and gratitude to God and in the context of Extraordinary Missionary Month, KPRT Parivar Ashta offered another batch of 11 of her alumni along with one brother from the Archdiocese of Bhopal to the service of God and His people by conferring the Order of Diaconate on 19th October 2019. Our joy was doubled by the esteemed presence of the pride and honour of KPRT,the First-Student-Bishop, His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Fulgence Aloysius Tigga, the newly consecrated Bishop of Raiganj. His Excellency solemnized the entire ceremony. The celebration commenced from the portico where Rector Rev. Fr. Dr. A. Savari Rayan, SVD introduced His Excellency and welcomed him with a shawl and Vice-Rector and Dean of Studies Rev. Fr. Dr. Jose Joseph, SVD presented him a memento and Rev. Fr. Charles Pinto SVD honoured him with a garland.

His Excellency, in his homily, exhorted the deacons by explaining the significant roles of a deacon in the Church, the responsibilities they will carry out and the challenges they may face in the days to come. He told them to serve God and His people even if it costs their lives. His Excellency, reminded them about the vital role of prayer and service in their ministry. He also encouraged them to always keep the light of Christ aflame. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the 11th Volume of Khristprem: A Journal of Theology and Mission in the Context of Central India with the theme- Baptized & Sent- In the Context of Central India, edited by Rev. Fr. Dr. A. Savari Rayan, SVD the Rector, was released by His Excellency. Rev. Fr. Dr. Jose Joseph SVD gave a brief introduction to the Journal. The Bishop gave the first copy to the Rector and to all the dignitaries and the contributors. 

The Brothers who received the diaconate will render their services in 6 Dioceses and 1 Congregation.

Raigarh Diocese-            Anand Prakash Toppo,

Bhopal Archdiocese -    Arokia Suthan, Ashok Amarlapudi, Sahaya Santosh                                                                       Jhabua Diocese-             Ashish Bhedi, Basil Damor, Jonu Rawat, Nilesh Tigga

Ambikapur Diocese-      Sunil Hansda

Indore Diocese-              Subhash  Vasuniya

Bettiah Diocese-             Pankaj   Peter

HGN -                            Basant Nayak


Bro. Sahaya Santhosh who studied at Varanasi for the Archdiocese of Bhopal was also ordained a deacon together with our brothers.

Deacon Ashish Prakash Bhedi proposed the vote of thanks. He expressed his indebtedness to God and sincerely thanked everyone present. There were about 65 priests, 25 Sisters and 250 relatives, friends and well-wishers who witnessed this religious event. The KPRT Parivar takes pride in offering these deacons to the Vineyard of the Lord and wishes them all success in their Diaconate Ministry!