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Archdiocese of Bhopal paid a floral tribute to the Prophet of the Time and the Martyr late Fr Stan Swamy SJ on "National Justice Day" 28 July 2021 at Assumption Church, Arera Colony, Bhopal.

Following covid19 norms a number of faithful, fathers and sisters participated in an organized statewide silent candle march to protest against injustice melted to Late Fr Stan Swamy who died in police custody on 5 July 2021Fr Stan spent more than 35 years for the justice and welfare of Adivasis and tribals in Jharkhand.

Addressing  the gathering Fr Mathew VC, Vicar general said " It is not the time to ask who is responsible for the death of a social activist and human rights protector,  Fr Stan,  but a time to carry  the legacy of the Martyr to create more awareness among the people  to protect the constitution." We want more like Fr Stan to uplift the poor and the downtrodden to enhance the quality of the life of the marginalized he said.  Fr Stan is a good model for our life to realize the purpose of our existence he added.

Mr. R.P. Dwivedi, representing the common people a forum said "Justice delayed is justice denied". Fr Stan was falsely accused and the charge sheet was not produced to the court till his death he said. He requested all to pray for the departed soul. Fr Pancras Sj briefed the gathering with a short profile of Late Fr Stan.

Fr Maria Stephen, PRO, welcoming the gathering said the death of Fr. Stan Swamy SJ is “not an end” but a “moment of awakening in the journey to affirm our faith in the constitution of our country”.  28 July is National Justice Day. It is fitting to take a candle march to express our solidarity with many human rights activists who are in jail. He informed the gathering that the whole nation has joined us in our protest. Later Fr Shaji E. the assistant PRO led the prayers for the country, leaders, freedom fighters and the departed souls who shed their life for the justice and truth. Fr Silbirius, the parish priest, led the oath of ceremony to protect the constitution as responsible citizens of the country. Fr Michel, the dean of Bhopal thanked all the members who helped and present in the program for an active participation. In the end all the members paid floral tribute to Fr Stan Swamy SJ and resolved to be more committed like Fr Stan. Ms. Vandana from Campion parish was the master of the ceremony and the entire program was organised by the PR Office of Bhopal Archdiocese.