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Archbishop Leo Cornelio SVD, along with School Education Minister Dr. Prabhuram Chaudhary   inaugurated “ASHADEEP” a Centre for Wholeness on Tuesday, 11 Feb 2020 at Seva Sadan, Tulsi Nagar, Bhopal.

“Ashadeep” is a new centre for all types of counselling to heal mental, psychological, social and economic stress and depression to initiate a joyful and contended life. 

Archbishop Leo Cornelio SVD, the patron of the centre quoting a great philosopher view that it is thinking that makes what I am, said in his address it is a type of thinking leads farmer, engineers, business giants to commit suicide.  These days the topic psychology is more in demand, whereas the other fields are more in decline. Because, as the technology grows, people seek more comfort and get into more anxiety, depression and suicides. It is the need of the hour to intervene this type of crisis to create a tension free and happy life. Ashadeep is a centre to aim this objective to fulfill the mission of becoming the salt of the earth and the light of the world, he added.  There are many hospitals for physical ailments but less facilities to counter mental illness, he said.  At the end of his address he introduced a new team of psychologists  to the audience.

Dr. Prabhuram Choudhary, the school education minister appreciating the Archdiocese for the new initiative to counter the tendencies towards depression said in his address that new education has to lead the students into a new stress free environment. He informed the audience about the govt. initiative to spread mental health through “Umang” a call centre available for 24 x 7 hours.  Like this Umang and Ashadeep counselling centres should be made available in nook and corner of the society to intervene   the mental crisis of the various people.

Dr. Vinay Mishra, psychologist, a faculty from BSSS College said in his address that people are prone to get mental ill health due to harming environment in the modern world.  Such centres are more in demand to intervene the mental crisis in order to establish overall health and wellbeing. Counseling offers the opportunity to talk about social, emotional, or behavioral problems that are either causing distress or interfering with your functioning.

 Fr. Maria Stephen, the PRO said that “Ashadeep” is a brain child of Archbishop Leo Cornelio who motivated a group of counselors to launch the concept three years ago. But a centre for this purpose was concreted today at Seva Sadan, Tulsi Nagar, Bhopal and open to all sections of society to gain maximum benefit from this centre. There will be regular training programs for all the counselors from missionary schools to motivate the volunteer service for the benefit of the society. This centre will start to provide service from 9 am to 8 pm in the beginning and then latter it will be raised to 24 x 7 services to the people.

A short inaugural program began with a prayer and lighting of lamp by the different dignitaries and ended with cutting the ribbon to inaugurate the centre. Fr. Mathew V.C. the Director of Seva Sadan thanked all the people who graced the occasion with their presence.