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Catholic Diocesan Educational Society (CDES) organized two days conference on Minority Rights began on Sat 06 August 2016, for all the Principals and Managers of Madhya Pradesh.

 The program began with the lighting of the lamp  by education minister- Kunwar Vijay Shah, Most Rev. Leo Cornelio SVD-the Archbishop of Bhopal, Rt. Rev. Anthony Chirayath – Bishop of Sagar, Sr. Tresa Paul -the advocate of Supreme Court and Fr. Thomas Attumel- the Secretary of CDES.

Addressing the forum  Kunwar Vijay Shah. the Education Minister of M.P. appreciated the Church for her Services, especially in the field of education  as par excellence. He asked the Church to continue the service to the humanity without any selfish interest. Education is  not to memorize the subjects matters to gain degrees but  he added it is related to life  with values and virtues  which are the core of Indian constitution.

Most Rev. Leo Cornelio the Archbishop of Bhopal said in his address that education is never an end product but it is process to learn till the end of our life. Education without character is a sin he added.

We don’t demand minority Rights as a privileges but its our Right to uplift the weaker section through education, social and health services. For this we demand our Right.

Finally he said – Jesus Christ is our greatest educator who asked us to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. Girls’ education is the need of the hour he added.

Fr. Maria Stephen, the PRO M.P. Region appreciated the efforts taken by Fr. Thomas Attumel , the Secretary (CDES) and asked the participants to develop network system through which present challenges can be faced.