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The commission for Inter-religious dialogue and Ecumenism of the Archdiocese, Bhopal organized “Sadbhavana Rally cum Inter-religious prayer” on 2nd October at Ashaniketan campus, E-6, Arera Colony, Bhopal in view of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in which people of all religions participated.

Archbishop Leo Cornelio said in his address “it is a need of the hour to raise all our hearts and minds together to build one nation burying individual differences. As all the rivers reach one destination in the end, we need to become aware of our origin and the purpose of our existence to promote peace and harmony in our country. Fr. Maria Stephen, the PRO said “It is the need of the hour to come together from all walks of life to spread peace in the community as action speaks louder than words”.

Fr. Jose Prakash welcomed all the dignitaries and religious leaders including Archbishop Leo Cornelio , Gyani Dilip Singh,  B.K. Awdhesh and others asked all the people to build the country on the basis of non-violence and appreciated the contribution of our youth to promote unity and brotherhood in our country.

Before the rally began at 5 pm from Assumption Church, all the religious leaders and invited guests were welcomed with garlands followed by a prayer by Pastor C.P. Singh. Nearly 500 people from different religions participated in the rally with zeal and enthusiasm to give the message of unity in diversity.  The rally went through Sai Board, 11 no. stop, Vande Matram square, 10 no. market and finally reached at St. Joseph Co-ed School, Arera Colony.  

The ‘Sadbhavna Sabha’ began at 7 pm as a conclusion ceremony of the peace rally. Different leaders and invited guests lighted the lamp followed by floral to Mahatma Gandhi’s portrait with National anthem. Prayer dance was performed by ICJ, Tanmaya Sisters, skit on unity by SVD brothers and a patriotic song by the students of St. Joseph Co-ed.

Leaders of different Religions were invited on the stage to take pledge with the people to promote unity and peace in the country.  All sang together ‘ Hum honge kamyab’ and ‘ Chalenge Saath sath’.

At the end Pastor Keshab Pradhan thanked all the volunteers, supporters, collaborator and invited distinguished guests followed by high tea.

The ‘rally cum sadbhavna sabha’ was organized by Commission for Dialogue & Ecumenism and PR Office.  The choir was led by brothers from SVD Vidya Bhavan and program was anchored by Ms Reena Majumdhar.