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All Churches' Bell rang to together to pray for our country

As per the request of Archbishop Leo Cornelio, initiated by the movement Pray for India movement and coordinated by Navdeep Communications Bhopal Archdiocese, all the churches irrespective Catholic Christians and other Christian denominations came together to pray for India on 31st May at 12 Noon.

Archbishop Leo Cornelio Svd organising a prayer service in online for the people to follow from their homes said that it is an urgent need  to invoke God's blessings on our country as she faces multiple threats from different walks of life may it be a natural or super natural calamities. We need to repent for our failures to uplift the poor and weak to establish a just and equitable society. To stand united One Sound One Hope in prayer was necessary as the end of May the entire Catholic Christians remember Mother Mary to accompany the journey of faith.

The prayer service began at 12 Noon from their respective parishes and homes by ringing their church bell or from respective mobile bells followed by Holy Spirit hymn. With a short reflections on the Corona Virus'19 a passage from holy Bible (St. John 20: 19-23) was read out. The intercessory prayer for our country, police officials, doctors and attendants, corona victims and religious leaders were said by the family members followed by national anthem.

If we want to defeat COVID-19 before it defeats us, we need to come together in one heart and one mind said Fr Maria Stephen the PRO of the Archdiocese. We need to mobilize human resources to look after our migrants and labourers.

The prayer service was telecasted by Navchetana TV channel. During prayer service at Archbishop's House Fr  Shellmon, Fr Soundarajan, Sr Jeena, PSOL, Ms. Sonia, Mr Sunil, Mr Peter, Fr Maria Stephen, Fr Nitin CMI and Archbishop Leo Cornelio Svd were present.