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Social Media to promote Wisdom than Intelligence


Archdiocese of Bhopal in collaboration with Carmel Convent Sr. Sec. School, Ratanpur organized a workshop on “The impact of social media on the life of students” at school’s auditorium. The programme began with prayer song followed by lighting the lamp.

There were around 16 students both boys and girls who spoke two minutes each on the advantages and disadvantages of the social media.  Some students from higher classes expressed following views on social media.

 “Social media is reducing social barriers. It connects people on the strength of human value not identities.” – Pragya Shrivastava, IX C

 ‘The major drawback is of our privacy being disclosed to many people whom we are not familiar with” –Ayesha Khan, IX A.

“Spending too much time on Social media causes several health problems, mental disturbances, and distraction from the routine work besides weakening the face to face communication skills.” – Aarush Malviya, IX C.

Fr. Maria Stephen, the P.R.O. congratulating students for their thought provoking views and asked the students to become more visionary to handle the social media in order to become pro-active and people oriented. The society needs more wise people than intelligence to turn the day to day problems into opportunities.

Sr. Kripa CMC, the principal of the school thanked the Archdiocese of Bhopal for the initiative to promote students oriented workshop in the school. Mr Sudhir Sharma, the coordinator appreciated the students for their keen interest to listen the speakers.  Sr. Roseline CMC, the Vice-Principal,   the staff of the public relations office and the school besides good number of students were present to witness the programme.