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“Mercy is not an option but it is the culture of Christianity,” says His Eminence Oswal Cardinal Gracias.

Bhopal: The 29th Plenary Assembly of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) is commenced with solemn Eucharistic celebration in the Assumption Church, Asha Niketan Campus here on Tuesday.

More than 130 Bishops of the 182 Latin rite bishops in the country are participating in the 8 day deliberations on the issues on concerning to Families in Asia with special focus on India.

Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the main celebrant in his message, called for revitalizing the families in view of the call given by Pope Francis.  “We need to turn good families to better and holy families to holier”, he said.

“We the bishops”, he said, “will discuss about all the issues affecting family life in the changed social milieu”.

“Revitalizing the families is one of the most urgent needs for the Church.”

“Family is sacred and so we must protect it. There are many ideologies around us which destroy family values. So we must reach the message of love to the families without any exclusion.”

“Even though, the Asian families do not face so much of problems, families worldwide are in crisis on account of economic disparities, cultural difference, religious and linguistic differences among a host of other things”.

“Jesus’ presence was a healing presence and it will be an answer to many problems the families face today. So one need to deepen faith in Jesus and take the values”, the prelate emphasized.

The prelate also urged the people to be optimistic, work hard and take risk for a better and life citing the example of St. Don Bosco.

A grant welcome ceremony for the participants of this historical conference was arranged along with the splendid inaugural session in the St. Joseph Co-ed School auditorium.

His Eminence Oswal Cardinal Gracias, the President of the CCBI, His Eminence Telespore Cardinal Toppo Archbishop of Ranchi, Leo Cornelio Archbishop of Bhopal, Bishop Varghese Chakkalakal, CCBI general Secretary, Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao, Vice president of CCBI, Msgr. HenrykJagodzinski representative of Nunciature, and Fr.Stephen Alathara Deputy Secretary General of CCBI lighted the lamp and officially inaugurated.

During the welcome address the Bhopal Archbishop Leo Cornelio described the historical background of the city and the gradual development of church and its contributions for the development of Bhopal.

Archbishop Leo acknowledged with gratitude the great contributions of former Archbishops Eugene D’Souza and Pascal Topno and different religious congregations.

His Grace expressed the sentiments of gratitude for organizing the CCBI assembly in Bhopal.

His Eminence Oswal said in his presidential address, “Mercy is not option but it is the culture of Christianity. Nobody is excluded from God’s mercy, and church leads man to this mercy. Mother Theresa is the embodiment of the Mercy”. 

His Eminence highlighted and encouraged to promote the culture of mercy by reaching God’s love to all.  Walk together and work together must be our style.

Bishop Varghese Chakkalakal, the Secretary General of CCBI presented the annual report of CCBI. Exhorting to continue to be the messengers of Mercy to all, especially to the poor and marginalised, Bishop concluded the report.

All newly appointed Bishops were honoured with floral greetings.

Msjr. Henryk representative of the Nunciature shared the message and Blessings of Holy Father Pope Francis for the success of the CCBI Conference at Bhopal. Pastoral centrality of the family in the church, opens a new mission thrust for families, the message reminded.  

Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao proposed the vote of thanks for all who attended the inaugural session of the CCBI conference.

In the first session of the conference, Most Rev. Dr. Lawrence Pius Dorairaj, Chairman, CCBI Commission for Family and Bishop of Dharmapuri, presented his findings on “Experience and Challenges of Indian Families.” The members deliberated on the issues related to the presentation.

In the second session Mr Joseph and Mrs.Assunta Minj from Bhopal and Fr. Somy Jacob from Jabalpur diocese shared various aspects in “Promoting the Joy of Love in Our Families.”

Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Christina Ganawa, Jhabua shared their experience on “Family Spirituality”.