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Archdiocese of Bhopal celebrated Prison ministry day on 14 August 2016. To mark this day special Holy Eucharist was celebrated in all the Churches of the Archdiocese.

During the Holy Mass special prayers were offered for speedy release of the prisoners who are victimized due to without reason, wrong judgement and environment. 

Archbishop Most Rev. Leo Cornelio said in his address “The Lord Jesus asked us not to condemn the people because they do not know what they are doing.” The People in the jail are our brothers and sisters. We need to love them and accept them as they are so that they may bring qualities change in their life.

Fr. Maria Stephen, the P.R.O. appreciated the commission for Jail Ministry of the Archdiocese for their good work towards rehabilitation, health care and counselling after the release from the jail. 

To create awareness among the people one day seminar was organized in the Pastoral Centre. Fr. Saiju Kollarikkal, Sr Sofia FCC and the team visited the Central jail to present various cultural programs and counselling to make this day a meaningful one.