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The Christmas Procession for 2016 began with a short Prayer, and few words of blessing by Archbishop Leo Cornelio. The rally began at 2 pm from New Saifia College Ground and went through Royal Market, Polytechnic Square, Roshan Pura, T.T. Nagar, Board Office Square,10 no. market, and finally entered at E-6 Arera Colony, Asha Niketan Campus Saint Joseph School Ground at 5:30pm. Large number of people from different religion, Caste and creed received the good news of Love, Peace, Mercy and Prosperity. Archbishop said in his address that God the father sent his only son to be with us always so, that we may not feel any hunger and disease. 

He thanked all the Pastors, Priests and faithful for their initiative and support to PR Office to organise the rally of peace and love. At the end of the procession Fr. Jose Prakash and Pastor C.P. Singh gave a short message of Christmas and said God came on earth in the form of little baby, not because we love him but because He loves us and came down in search of us so, that we may turn to God.

Fr. Maria Stephen the PRO said in his address that God came on earth to teach us to build good relationship so, that the communication of love, charity and justice may prevail among the people of good will and for this reason He gave his life. 

Fr. Maria asked the people to break the wall that divides our brothers and sisters.  He also expressed his gratitude to all the Pastors and Fathers for their collaboration, particularly Pastors C.P.Singh, Sameer Khimla, Manish Mathew,  Fathers Jose Prakash, Alexander, Varghese, Harish Lal, Richard D’Silva and all the Volunteers for taking a meaningful rally. The following Churches, Queen of the Universe, St. John Mary Vianney, St. Thomas Malankara, Christ Church, Assumption, CNI Bethlehem, Zion, CSI etc... participated in the rally.