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Communicate rich experience of divine encounter

Bhopal: His Eminence Telesphore Cardinal Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi exhorted to encounter God in daily life situations and to communicate the rich experience with all people, during the Holy Eucharist, on Wednesday,the third day of the 29th Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India(CCBI), here.

Reflecting upon the encounter of Simeon and Anna with child Jesus on the feast of the ‘Presentation of the Lord’, Cardinal Toppo asked, ‘Do we find joy in our daily opportunities to encounter God?  Or are we content just with ritual observance?”

He added, “We easily get energised with crowd pulling celebrations and get deviated by modern gadgets, but fail to live a life of deep encounter with Christ.”

He continued, “We need to reflect collectively on the importance of such encounters in our life as shepherds of the Church while we focus on family ministry which is founded on the bedrockof encounters.”

Looking forward to the future he further added that “The astonishment received in the encounter will be fortified for being a light to all people. Rebuild church to be the light to all peoples is a great challenge.”

Archbishop Leo Cornelio in his address said about the progressive relationship existing within the state: “Being the political power centre of the State of Madhya Pradesh, the church in Bhopal has maintained a reasonably good relation with the political heads and government officials.” He appreciated the healthy relationship, co-operation and unity of different religionsin the city.“The peaceful atmosphere of the city needs a special mention. The fast progressing capital city of Bhopal has helped the growth of the Church,” he said. Archbishop Leo Cornelio informed the gathering: “the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, has taken initiative to invite Christians and celebrate Christmas for the last five consecutive years.”

Today was specially kept apart to reflect upon the biennial report and future scope of various commissions of CCBI.  Bible commission clarified that people who are inspired and enriched by the Word of God live according to God’s designs. It ascertained, “The Word of God is the source of joyful family life.”

“To establish the kingdom of God by promoting values of love, truth, justice, peace, harmony and communion,” was the vision guided the commission of Canon law. With a spirit of openness and love the commission for Ecumenism, tried to bring about communion through prayer, reconciliation, ecumenical dialogueand common action.

The commission for families focussed to educate families to live Gospel values in their practical life situations. The commission for youth gives three fold importance to accept Jesus as their way of life, discover their faith and thus secularise the world and become youth of values like Jesus. The commission for Liturgy has formulated a new office book for the dead as per Latin rite which is in tune with the North Indian traditions.  The reports of the other commissions for Catechetics, Laity, Proclamation, and Theology & Doctrine highlighted their efforts with future plans.   Based on the commission reports a General Workshop was held to formulate new policy statement.