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In an interview with his eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, the president of CCBI and the Archbishop of Mumbai, the following the objectives, the background and outcome of the 29th plenary session of CCBI is briefed as follows.

Objective: The 29th plenary session of CCBI aims athelping at families to face the challenges and difficulties of the family in India such as poverty, education, jobless and injustice etc. although there is no alarming situation as crisis. 

It aims at enabling the families to become better; holier by focusing on the spirituality of the families.

His Eminencesaid that, “We have a message for all the families of India as the family values are deteriorating on regular basis.” 

 Background: His Eminence described the background of choosing the theme of the conference, “Promoting the joy of love in our Families”. In the wake of two synods of the bishops in Rome on the family it was realised to revitalise the family apostolate in India to embody the spirit of the synod. A nationwide survey of the families was carried out by the Lawrence Pius Dorairaj, President of family commission.  The conference will study the outcome of the survey.

 His eminence was happy to share the reason for selecting Bhopal the Destination for organising 29th plenary session. He praised the enthusiasm andinitiative of the Archbishop Dr Leo Cornelio.According to His eminence the conference will definitely strengthen the local church. And it provides varied experience of mission to all members of CCBI.


His eminence shared the expectations as follows: To bring about a Pastoral plan in accordance with the survey conducted.

To actualise the message of Amoris Laetitia in Indian context.