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“Bring peace in the world is to bring peace in the family.”

Said, His Eminence Oswald

Bhopal: Sunday, the sixth day of the 29th Plenary Assembly of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) began with a prayer session by Bishop Raphy Manjali, Bshop of Allahabad.

In the Regional workshops, moderated by Dr. Oswald Lewis, Bishop of Jaipur, the bishops of different regions highlighted the laudable contributions of the Church, for developing joyful families. Related issues and the solutions were also pointed out in the discussion.  

The Jurist’s Research Report by the famous lawyer Vrinda Grover and the law academic Saumya Uma, Khandhamal: Introspection of initiative for justice 2007-2015, was released by His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, the President of the CCBI in the presence of Dr. John Dhayal. The book is considered to be the first comprehensive investigation of justice process at Khandhamal, Orissa.

A solemn Eucharistic Liturgy was celebrated by presiding over by His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias and concelebrated over 130 Bishops and national CCBI commission secretaries at 3.30 pm in the Assumption Church, Asha Niketan Campus, Bhopal, in which thousands of faithful with priests and nuns participated with devotion.

On the occasion, His Eminence Oswald, the main celebrant said: “It is a historical day for Bhopal. Today is a unique day for all of us to see nearly 130 bishops of India are gathered here for the people, to thank Almighty God for all the blessings showered up on the people of Bhopal.”

He praised the contributions of the diocese for the society and the nation at large. Exhorting to establish peace in the family he said:   Bring peace in the world is to bring peace in the family.”

He added: “Alcoholism, materialism, consumerism and individualism destroy families in an alarming rate. ‘Intimacy of the families with God’ is the only answer to the fast spreading family problems.”

“Familial love is to be reflected in love of the neighbour,” he exhorted the participants.A magnificent cultural programme was organized in St. Joseph’s Co-ed school, new auditorium at 6 p.m. in which Honourable Shri Shivraj Singh Chauhan, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Viswas Sarang the Cabinet Minister of Cooperatives and Rural Development, Shri Alok Sanjar Member of Parliament, Shri Hitesh Bajpai, President MP State Civil Supplies co-operation limited, Dr. Tarique Jaffer Vice Chancellor MP Bhoj Open University Bhopal and Gurus of different religious were welcomed with bouquet.

Archbishop Leo in his welcome speech profusely applauded the popular CM for his populist policies and clean green State drive.  He assured the utmost corporation of the Christian community to the CM for his nation building actions.

Chief Guest of the ceremony, Chief Minister of the state profusely thanked the CCBI for selecting Bhopal as the venue of this august gathering. In his natural oratory he enlightened the dignitaries by his words of wisdom on the matter of family and real Joy. 

He said, “Only those with magnanimous heart can understand the whole universe as his family.” Therefore his heart pains at the misery of the other.  He said, “The policies of his government are driven for the well being of his people.”  He reminded the gathering of the great example of forgiveness left behind by Jesus when he forgave his enemies from the Cross.

He elaborated on his favourite subject joy, “Joy does not come from wealth but from doing good to each and every one.  Happiness becomes perfect when translated into action for the love of neighbour.” 

His Eminence Cardinal Oswald in his presidential address, praised the Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chauhan for his sincere efforts to create peace and harmony in the state along with creating awareness on environmental co-existence among the mass. 

Different leading schools of Bhopal namely Mount Carmel, St. Joseph Girls, St. Xavier, St. Theresa and BSSS college presented various cultural programmes based on cleanliness and peace in the society, which made the evening worth spending.